
Showing posts from March, 2020

7 Ways To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus

The Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 is now a global scare owing to a rapid outbreak. The number of confirmed cases has crossed 109,000 across 95 countries. 34 states in the U.S. have confirmed cases with the largest counts coming from New York, California, and Washington. The Director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases has warned that a domestic outbreak is just a matter of time. With the rising tide, it’s time we start taking protective measures. Given below are some easy steps. Identify the signs There is no protection without awareness. The Centre for Disease Control has pointed out that coughing, fever, and shortness of breath are symptoms of coronavirus. The symptoms might show any time between 2 days to 2 weeks since exposure. According to experts, the virus is probably spreading mainly through coughing and sneezing. If an infected person coughs or sneezes, the persons nearby are also getting infected. The major factor that is accelerating th

Doctors Will Never Tell You About This : 4 Reasons Why You Should Always Urinate Under The Shower!!

In this article we are going to show you 4 reasons why you should always urinate under the shower. 1. This action literally saving the planet According to some researches, which were conducted by The Agency for Environmental Protection in the United States, urinating in the shower saves up to 27% of the water flow. This is mainly because you do not have to flash the toilet if you urinate in the shower. 2. Disinfects wounds Fresh urine will help you in the disinfection of scars or scratches. Namely the urine will clean the wound, and will additionally relax the tissues and relieve the pain. However you should remember that if the wound is serious, you should definitely go and see your doctor. 3. Helps you take care of your skin At this point you need to know that urine is excellent in treating eczema and rashes. Namely urea is an active ingredient that is widely used in many creams and oils for skin care. In addition you need to know that the urine keeps the skin’s pH lev

How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath Quickly

What are the reasons for bad breath and how to get rid of it ? The sense of smell is hugely underestimated and what many people don’t realize is that it has a massive effect on us when we form subconscious opinions. So no matter what you dress like and no matter how stunning your native looks are, if you don’t smell good, then you might as well wash all the previous goodness down the drain. You can have a good wash and ut on cologne or perfume to make your body and clothes smell good but when it comes to your breath, it’s the inside that counts and makes the difference. Eliminating odors from your breath and ensuring you make a good impression on the people that you can’t avoid getting up close to must be dealt with from the inside out. There are a variety of ways of preventing it or curing it and here they are in a nutshell. Prevention is better than cure:- This has always been my rule of thumb in all matters, but particularly the problem of halitosis, because essentially i

Never Use These Phrases When You’re Talking With Your Child (Especially #2!)

Ladies and gentlemen, I really think that we can all agree on one thing – when we are born, our parents are everything we have in this world. Agree?! Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Our parents are someone we turn to for support, guidance, and safety. Everything that a parent does and how they do it becomes an important part of their child’s life. The way we speak to our children becomes their inner voice. It tells them what is right and what is wrong. Well, this means one thing – if you are often angry and cold towards your children they will carry on this into adulthood. Parents, do yourselves a “small” favor and never use the following 5 phrases when you are talking to your child: I’m disappointed in you! Parents usually say this when they feel really bad. But, it doesn’t mean it’s ok. Parents, trying to make your kids responsible for your disappointment is something really selfish. You can be disappointed in a friend, movie, or even your country’s politics!


Ladies, I really think that this is the best marriage advice from a divorced woman – you’ll ever get! This woman been divorced after 7 years of marriage and here’s what she has to say: Ladies, you should always seek out the best in him. You should have sex with him – more often. All the time if need be. Sometimes, you need to seek advice from older, wiser women who have succeeded in their marriages. Sometimes, it’s impossible to make good decisions (especially when we’re emotional). And remember, seeking counsel from your friends who are your own age isn’t as good as counsel from elderly women. Sometimes, you should let him zone out. And remember, your guy is not ignoring you, they just have moments of brain freeze. NO, it’s not your job to change or fix him. We are all on a journey. Make sure you tell him how big, strong, smart, manly he is – all the time (because they tend to forget). Never forget or take for granted that your man chose you. You should always laugh at

12 Everyday Stretches That Will Help You Stay Flexible And Fit At Any Age

Given our modern pace of life and sedentary lifestyle, muscle pain such as lower back pain and neck tension has become far too common. Whether it’s shoulder tension from being hunched at a desk for hours, or wrist pain from typing at a computer, sore muscles can make any movement difficult and painful. As a result, we rely on painkillers and creams to help dull the pain; however, this is simply a Band-Aid solution. Instead of reacting to muscle pain, we should be preventing it in the first place. A simple place to start, is with a basic stretching routine. How To Stretch 101 Besides being a simple way to get your blood flowing and helping to energize your body, stretching can help you move easier. Regular stretching can get the stiffness out of muscles and ease creaky joints. It can also help prevent injury while exercising or just going about your day. Stiff muscles and joints don’t work as well as muscles that have been stretched and are ready to work. Here are some quick D

If You and Your Partner Have Survived These 6 Rough Phases, Your Marriage Is Likely to Last Forever

A healthy marriage is not a gift, but our own choice and hard work on ourselves. Everyone has problems and misunderstandings in their relationship. Sometimes it feels like it is easier to give up. While that may be true, it’s less of a challenge than to keep on moving through all the phases. But if you chose to be together despite it all, you can get a real treasure. We at Bright Side believe in marriages that can last forever and checked the phases that couples may face on a way to harmony. 1. Criticism Not everyone can take criticism, but when it is very straightforward and reminds us of an attack, it can become a huge problem, especially between partners. Dr. John Gottman writes in his book The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse when you criticize your spouse, you’re trying to say that there is something wrong with them. Using words like “you always” or “you never” are very common and don’t lead to a positive result. Most likely your partner will start to defend themselves.

Do you have hypothyroidism? Look at your hands

Our fingernails (and also toenails really) say so much about our health. It is mind-blowing when you check out the recommendations listed at the end of this article the number of problems of the nails associated with hypothyroidism including Alunula (absence of the Lunula, the little white moons of the bed of the nails), Onychorrhexis (longitudinal ridging of the nails), Sweetheart’s Lines (transverse grooves or depressions of the nail plate), Koilonychia (spoon shaped nail plates), Onycholysis (separation of the nail from the nail bed), Pterygium Unguis (thinning of the nail fold as well as dispersing of the cuticle over the nail plate), Onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nail), Yellow Toenail Disorder, brittleness, slow-moving development, and also thickening. I initially listened to Dr. Peter Osborne define the following usual symptoms of hypothyroidism he notifications in his clients’ nails and it got my mind racing. I studied researches and also books to find out just how

This is the Correct Way to Prepare Baking Soda to Reduce Belly Fat!

Even though baking soda can be found in every home, only a few people use its full potential. Namely, despite its well-known properties for cleaning, baking, and scraping, baking soda can be used in various other ways, especially to promote overall health. Besides the many benefits that it can provide, baking soda can help you in the process of losing weight and reduce the excess belly fat. We present you 3 ways how to make incredible beverages with baking soda which will help you to get the desired flat stomach. Baking soda and apple cider vinegar Ingredients: Half teaspoon baking soda 2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar One glass of water Directions: Mix the baking soda and apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Consume this drink every day on an empty stomach, before your breakfast Baking soda and lemon/grapefruit juice Ingredients: 1 lemon/grapefruit 1 teaspoon baking soda Half glass of water Directions: Mix the baking soda and the lemon/grapefruit

I’m 50 Years Old And This Drink Helped Me Eliminate Knee And Joint Pain In Just 5 Days!

Knee and joint pain is a common ailment predominant in people over 50. While it seems trivial, this type of pain can be truly debilitating and seriously affect a person’s quality of life. When it comes to inflammatory joint pain, knees are usually first affected. The knees are the most important joints in the human body, because they support leg movement when we walk, run, jump or stand, and more importantly, ensure proper body posture. However, as we grow older, reduced joint lubrication as well as different injuries, seriously affect the knees. Because of this, the ligaments and the tendons become less supple, frailer and more rigid. This article focuses on a natural remedy that significantly improves joint lubrication as this is critical for proper joint function and movement. This powerful health-boosting smoothie is the best treatment you can get from nature for your knee ligaments and tendons. Regular consumption will help you walk better, even run, and will significantl


We know the Amish as people who live simple lives, but what you probably don’t know is that they have a cure for different problems and recipes for improving the immune system. You are going to learn about it in this article. The recipe you are going to read below is good for treating high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Try it and you will be surprised by the benefits it offers. Nowadays, we consume more and more animal fats, which makes high cholesterol and heart problems even a bigger issue. These are the needed ingredients: 1 teaspoon of lemon juice 1 piece of grated ginger 1 teaspoon of organic honey 1 grated garlic clove 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar This is how you can prepare this magically beneficial recipe: Start by combining all the above ingredients and place the resulted mixture in the fridge. Keep it there for 5 days. Then, consume the mixture before breakfast and dinner. Check your cholesterol levels a week later and you will see the

5 Minute Fat Burning Workouts at Home – Best Exercises to Lose Weight

Working out in the gym is fun when you have friends around. For some, it can be really frustrating as you feel conscious and shy. For others, it is a treat as you feel motivated to workout. No matter what it is, a fat burning workout is just perfect for keeping your mind and body fit. Some good cardiovascular workouts will help you maintain yourself. Rapid weight loss or fat loss diets are not too healthy to try. However cutting down on fatty food and practicing a 5-minute fat burning workout can bring a huge change in your life. You may think that a diet for weight loss such as the 7 days diet plan for weight loss is much easier to practice than an intensive workout. At first it seems to be true, however as the days go by you will come back to eating your normal food, which will result in weight gain. Forget all these troublesome experiences, try this simple new 5-minute fat burning workout and see the difference in your body. You will definitely be amazed! 5 Minute Fat Burning

She Applied Vaseline On Her Breast Daily And After 30 Days The Results Are More Than Amazing!

Vaseline can do wonders for us. You can take care of your lips, of your elbows and ankles and even of your breasts with the help of Vaseline. You can increase the cup size of your breast with rubbing a little bit of Vaseline on a daily basis. This is not scientifically proven but it is believed by many people. Many people are claiming that it worked for them really well and that they are happy with the results. That is why you should try to see if this can work for you, feel free to try it because it is not going to do harm even if it does not work. But as we previously mentioned, you can use Vaseline for many other things not only the breasts such as hair, lips elbows and ankles. 1. You can remove makeup with Vaseline. All you have to do is to apply some to a Q-tip. 2. You can apply Vaseline all over your skin (face, arms, and neck) to make it softer. 3. You can ease eyebrow plucking with taming your eyebrows and lube up the under-skin. 4. After shaving you can use Vase

SCIENTISTS CONFIRMED: This Is The World’s #1 Food For Preventing Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol!

If you want to find out which is the most beneficial food in the world, you need to see this. We suggest that you try consuming dates. These fruits contain numerous healthy properties that can soothe many health problems, including heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, and cholesterol. In a very short time, the dates are going to help you build up the metabolism of the body, as they contain great amounts of nutrients. Here we offer you several of the many reasons why you should include them in your diet and why they are so healthy. 8 HEALTHY EFFECTS OF DATES Dates are rich in iron Dates are rich in great amounts of iron, which is especially beneficial for people who suffer from anemia, pregnant women, and children. It is best that you consume 100 grams of dates on a daily basis, a quantity that mainly contains 0.9 milligrams of iron. This is nearly 11 percent of the recommended daily intake of iron. This mineral is very important as it has numerous beneficial impacts on t

Warning: If You Have These 6 Symptoms, You Could Have A Heart Attack In The Next Month

The leading cause of death in the USA is heart attacks, which consist 25 percent of the deaths in the country. This number is even greater than cancer, which is believed to be the number one killer. The three main causes of heart attacks are high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and smoking. The Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) informs that there are five conditions that will contribute to your risk of heart attack. These conditions are diabetes, poor diet, overweight and obesity, excessive use of alcohol, and physical inactivity. Nearly fifty percent of all heart attacks occur outside of a hospital, so the early detection is the key for survival. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a study in 2005, and it was revealed that 92 percent of the respondents identified chest discomfort as a symptom of a heart attack. Only a small percent of them, 27 percent, were actually aware of all the main symptoms and thus were aware to call 911 when

5 Best Foods to Prevent Hormonal Imbalance in Women (and 5 Foods to Avoid)

Combining the proper foods is not favorable only for the skin, but it can also improve the reproductive system and contribute to hormones balance. Foods that are rich in nutrients can be highly beneficial for women as the can improve their mood, energy, metabolism, digestive tract, and even their libido. In order to function properly, our body needs the right amount of nutrition. When it comes to hormonal imbalance at women, did you know that there are some foods which can prevent the hormonal imbalance? These foods can be beneficial for women of all ages: For young women who need to control their hormones during their period Those who are in their mid-ages, and are not so physically active and want an energy burst during the day Pre-menopausal women who need to balance their hormones Women who are in the process of menopause, and women who already passed it; their cells will be replenished, thus making them look younger. If we don’t intake the right nutrients,

What Your Feet Say About You

From ancient times people read palms to find the future. But it is less known that feet can also uncover someone’s character. So, take a look at your feet and discover your features. THE ROMAN FOOT It is the most usual type of foot, when all toes are arranged straight. As a rule, the big toe is the largest and after this follow the other toes, forming an angle of 45 degrees. The persons with Roman foot are calm and sociable. They like to search for new things, particularly to explore new countries. Roman foot characterizes remarkable businessmen and public speakers. VERY LONG TOES The persons with such kind of toes are very emotional. They are talkative, loving to discuss about their sentiments and thoughts. Public speakers and politicians usually have very long toes. LITTLE TOE ON THE SIDE OF THE FOOT The persons that have the little toe a little bit on the side like to behave in a free way. They are stubborn and like everything to be or to happen the way it has to be/happ


If you really care about your health and health condition, the following remedy is something you should always have it within arm’s reach. It is one of the best natural remedies, which can do wonders for your health. The garlic portion drink improves the function of the organs, purifies the blood, and boost the immune system together with the blood vessels and the heart. Moreover, it is a great natural remedy for speeding up the metabolism and promoting the weight loss process. It will cleanse your body and remove any harmful deposits. GARLIC PORTION DRINK RECIPE Ingredients: 12 peeled cloves of garlic ½ liter of red wine Instructions: Cut the garlic cloves into pieces and put them in a jar. Next, pour the wine over them. Close the jar and place it in a sunny place for 2 weeks. Make sure you shake the jar every day. After 14 days, strain it and store the liquid in a dark glass bottle. You should consume 1 tablespoon of this drink 3 times a day for 1 month, then make a 6

5 signs that you eat a lot of sugar

Even if you are not a fan of cakes and candies and you drink unsweetened tea and coffee, that does not mean that you do not intake sugar. It is much more likely for sugar to hide in finished products than in the sugar container. For example, in sausages, sauces, and even yogurt and bread. This means that you need to look out for the amount of sugar in different products. Here are the signs that indicate that you are consuming products with high sugar content. Skin problems Sugar, above all, adversely affects the condition of the skin. It causes the hormones to produce more skin fat, which clogs the pores. And the result is pimples. When you lower your intake of sugar and sweets, your skin will be much nicer. Permanent colds By suppressing the immune system, sugar exacerbates the ability of the body to protect against stress and to counter the complications of chronic illness. Abrupt changes in mood It is generally accepted that sweet improves mood. It really is a fact, o

DIY Vitamin C Serum Recipe For Wrinkles And Age Spots!

You must’ve been hearing constantly in those ads of various creams, lotions, serums, face-washes, and what-not about the fact that they now contain the anti-ageing properties of ‘Vitamin C’. Surely, a lot of people buy those cosmetics that claim to be helpful in dealing with wrinkles and age spots. But there are effective natural remedies too for getting a better skin. But before learning about them, let’s discuss a thing or two about how Vitamin C is good for your skin. Benefits of Vitamin C for your skin Increases collagen production Collagen is the natural structural protein in skin tissues. It provides them support and maintains a healthy glow. More collagen equals to healthy and wrinkles free skin! Contains antioxidants Vitamin C has a lot of anti-oxidants that help in repair and renewal of skin cells. This makes your skin look much younger and youthful. Helps in getting even skin tone It reduces hyperpigmentation and the dark spots over your hands and face, thus givi

Here Are 8 Morning Habits That Are Causing You to Gain Weight (You MUST Avoid Them!)

Ladies, you possibly already remember that consuming wholesome and transferring greater are the keys to a successful weight reduction. YES, but the ones aren’t the only topics that issue proper into a wholesome life-style. And there’s something to be stated for getting your day commenced off right. So, do me a small opt for and test these morning behavior that might be sabotaging your desires: Oversleeping Early to mattress, early to upward push makes someone healthful, rich and practical. While getting enough sleep is crucial, too much sleep may be actually as terrible as not getting sufficient. WebMD says an excessive amount of sleep is connected to diabetes and coronary coronary heart disorder. Plus, if you’re hitting snooze on the alarm clock you’re more likely to be in a hurry because of this you received’t have time for a wholesome breakfast. Skipping Breakfast If you’re skipping breakfast, you will be messing up your metabolism, consistent with EAS Academy. When you con

What the color of your urine and frequent urination can tell you about your health?

The color, frequent urination, density and smell of the human urine can reveal much about your health.  The urine is the body’s waste in a liquid form, which is mainly made of water, salt and chemicals called uric acid and urea. The kidneys produce it when they filter the toxins and other harmful stuff from the blood. Moreover, things like foods, medications and illnesses can also affect the color of the urine. Frequent urination and what color is your urine? When you are healthy, the color of the urine should be pale yellow or gold, and this color comes from a pigment that your body makes, called urochrome. Its shade, light or dark can also change. When and if it has no color, it may be because you have been drinking a lot of water or taking the drug called diuretic that helps the body to get rid of fluid. A very dark, honey or brown colored urine could be one sign that you are dehydrated and you need to drink more fluids right away. But, it can also be a warning sign of some pr